MFC grid is the first product that has been introduced by Dapfor back in 2007. It is a treelist control with a single header that implements MVVM model in C . Data objects are the objects of the arbitrary classes with set- and get- methods representing a like of properties of .Net objects.
Main features:
-Event-drven object model
-C objects in rows. In cells - values, returned by methods of these objects.
-Hierarchical data presentation.
-Real-time sorting of dynamically updated C objects.
-Real-time filtering of updated objects.
-Real-time cell highlighting.
-Single and multiple sorting.
-Edit in place, MFC editors in cells.
-Cell tooltips.
-Fixed or scrollable rows.
-Fixed or scrollable columns.
-Navigation between editable cells (Tab, KeyUp, KeyDown etc.)
-Data sharing between multiple grids.
-Thread-safe implementation, synchronous and asynchronous patterns.
-Full customization (colors, fonts, direct drawing in CDC).
-Selection does not hide background colors
-Clipboard operations Copy/Edit/Paste. Copy data to Excel/Word.
-Drag and drop. Drag and drop of hierarchical data
-No memory leaks. No GDI resources leaks.
-Binary serialization. All new versions of MFC Grid are compatible with archives, generated with previous versions of MFC Grid
-Print and print preview.
-MFC Grid can be used in dialogs, MDI or SDI applications.
-Available in static or dynamic libraries with or without Unicode support
-Support for 64-bit compilers (available in a package with source codes).